See And Read My Post On This Blog. Feel Free To Read Around. I Dont Welcome SPAMMER And COPYCAT. So If You Are One Of them. Out Now!!Thank You So Much (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)♥

dear future boyfriend (4)

I’m sure you’re right in front of me, but I’m too scared to even look for you. I’m gonna need you to open my eyes for me. I’m gonna need you to have the guts that I don’t have and make the first move. Understand that there are times that I won’t approach you because I want you to approach me first. I just want to see if you really care for me, that’s all. I’m so scared of annoying you or saying something wrong, so I probably won’t say anything at all. Once you get me comfortable though, I promise to love you with all my heart and bug the crap out of you, knowing you’d still find it adorable. So please, if you’re out there and you’re willing to take care of me and work as hard as I need you to, say hello :) Introduce yourself as my future boyfriend and inform me that you are here to make my life a million times better.


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Velina hermitawati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.
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