See And Read My Post On This Blog. Feel Free To Read Around. I Dont Welcome SPAMMER And COPYCAT. So If You Are One Of them. Out Now!!Thank You So Much (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)♥

dear future boyfriend (20)

I can be a bitch to you for no reason, but I truly don’t mean it. I just get in those moods sometimes. I may push you away at first, but that’s because I’ve had bad relationships before. I will have my guy friends, but that’s all they’ll ever be. Heck I hope you’ll be friends with them as well. I’ll send good morning and goodnight text messages. I’ll cook and bake for you, because I honestly love doing it. And I make a badass cake if I do say so myself. My stepdad will be mean to you and make jokes, but it’s all for fun. He never means it, I promise. I lost my dad when I was only a kid, so if I ever get in a emotional state in the Fall then that’s probably the reason. We’ll go visit my nephew every so often….I love that little boy so much. I love to joke around with you and you’ll laugh at my lame jokes. I’ve never been that great with telling people how I feel about them, but I’ll try to best to show you how much you mean to me. I’m overweight….but hopefully I’ll be skinnier by the time we meet. We’ll take weekend trips to the beach and go to theme parks because I absolutely love rollercoaster’s. I have piercings and tattoos and you won’t judge me on that. I will do anything to make you smile and anything to make you happy. I will just sit there and say your name just because I love saying it. I will say nothing is wrong with me even though something is. I just don’t want you to worry about me. I like to kiss your cheek just because and I likely to playfully bite you. I’ll drag you to pet stores and shelters just because I love animals so much. But what I love most of all is you and the future that we’ll have together. I truly hope we meet soon.

dear future boyfriend (19)

I know I’m a bitch. I know i’m “difficult” to be around and that I have trouble showing my affections. I blame my parents for that last one.
But please don’t give up on me. It will take time and a lot of effort but I’ll let you in eventually. I will open up and show you all those lovely shades of love and adoration in my heart.
When I love, I love with my whole heart.
Ps. But be warned before you break my heart: When I hate, I hate.

dear future boyfriend (18)

I don’t care if we don’t have the same culture, religion, or the same opinions on everything. I don’t care if your eyes are too far apart, if you’re skinny or chubby, tall or short. I don’t care if you  have a large forehead, small feet, crooked teeth, or pimples. I don’t care if your hair is long or short, black or blonde or purple. I don’t care if you fidget or have an awkward gait or if you have a crippling fear of clowns. I don’t care because they are all aspects of YOU, and because they are YOU, I love them too.
Don’t feel self-conscious, and don’t be hard on yourself. I love you, and to me, you are perfect - and that means your flaws are too.

dear future boyfriend (17)

You might not exist.
I really cannot call you a future because I don’t know what the future holds.. All I know is.. I need you
Through the ups and downs of my days, I always think of you and wonder if you existed how you’d make my day easier and happier. You must know that I always think of you in each and every passing moment and I always ask myself what will you be doing at this exact moment? I constantly talk to my pillow pretending it’s you and I talk to you; I tell you about my day and how much I love you and you listen without saying a single word. You listen to everything I have to say and you’re always the last person I talk to before I fall asleep.. You haunt my dreams.. my beautiful dreams.. you and I..floating on clouds of love.. your embrace.. your hand in mine.. your thoughts and your touch.. everything about you attracts me but reality repels me and I wake up realizing that you my dear are gone..
This is just a letter to tell you what we’d be doing if you were right here with me and if you’re everything I ever wanted my perfect boyfriend to be..
We would watch horror movies and I wouldn’t even be scared because I’ll never know what happens in the movie being so busy staring at your eyes.. and enjoying being in your arms.. We would write to each other even though we’d be living together.. some feelings are expressed better on paper.. I’d bake and ask if you want to join me.. if not I’d understand.. We’ll take a lot of silly pictures just for the fun of it and we’ll never look at them again because we know we have to make new memories all the time..
I’ll fight with you.. I’ll call you names.. and then kiss you while saying the cute nickname I gave you.. You’ll watch me draw and I’ll let you paint the picture of our future child.. You might even help me finish my book and maybe one day I’ll write our story to inspire the young lovers to come
…or maybe I’ll write about being forever alone..

dear future boyfriend (16)

First of all dear, you can’t control me.. I won’t always put you before my friends but you’ll sure make my top list of priorities.. I wont give up everything just to be with you because one day I’ll blame you for it.. I won’t make all sacrifices if you don’t and I surely won’t walk the whole distance like I did with everyone in my past.. I’ll let you meet me halfway because I want you now and forever and I need to know that you want me as much as I want you.. There are a lot of things I won’t give up for you because I’ve learned that when you give people too much they eventually walk away taking your all.. I’ll just give you what I’m capable of and I’ll make no future promises, that way I know you want me as I am now and you’ll stick around..
Although there are a lot of things I won’t let you take away from me such as my dignity and pride there are some things I’ll gladly do.. I promise to learn to love you for who you are and I’ll love you as much as I can.. I promise to be honest with you and listen to whatever you have to say.. I promise to give you your space sometimes but show the required amount of jealousy to keep the flame of love going.. I promise to be your bestfriend and bestlover.. I promise to do the best I can to be your last and only.. I promise I won’t give you much drama in your life and I promise to try and learn whatever video game you’re obsessed with and I promise to beat you at it.. I’ll compete with you and fight with you.. but I’ll love you unconditionally..

dear future boyfriend (15)

Not only do I want you to be my boyfriend, but I want you to be my best friend too. I want to wake up next to you and go to sleep next to you, falling asleep to music, our heartbeats, and our breathing. I want to bake cookies and make hot chocolate when it snows, and play in the waves and in the sand when it’s sunny. I want to drive around with the top down, with no destination, just to see where we will end up. I want to kiss you and feel butterflies, and I want to make you feel butterflies. I’m not perfect, but I hope to be perfect for you. I want you to love my flaws as much as you love the rest of me, and never ever give up on me. I’ll forgive your mistakes as long as you forgive mine, because I know there will be plenty. I’ll wait for you to text me, but other times, I’ll text YOU first because I just can’t wait any longer. I will give you little surprises and cheer you up when you are sad because your happiness means more to me than my own. I will give you everything that I am, in hopes that you will give me yourself in return.

dear future boyfriend (14)

Love you too, hun.
No offense, but,
But seriously. If you don’t like this blog, then get the fuck off. No one’s asking you to stay. But congrats for being not so anon.
All hate/generally unpleasant messages will be deleted unless we find them highly amusing.

dear future boyfriend (13)

I hope you dont mind when:
  • I make you color with me.
  • I tell you EVERYTHING about my day.
  • I steal your sweatshirts and never give them back.
  • I hug you randomly.
  • I snort when I laugh.
  • I wear heels to impress you.
  • I say something extremely random.
  • I make you food.
  • I make fun of you.
  • I beat you in a video game.
  • I make you c.d.’s with music you probably would never listen to.
  • I forget what I was talking about 10 seconds ago.
  • I pretend im tough.
  • I ask you to carry me.
  • When I yell at you for making fun of me, but really I think its funny.
  • When my stories go on forever and ever.
  • When I take too long getting ready to go out.
  • When I say a celebrity is hot.
  • When I talk about other guys (I still like you the most.)
  • I want you to call me baby.
  • I want you to warm me up.
  • I text you asking to bring me coffee or energy drinks due to an all-nighter.
  • I text you a lot.
  • I give you my heart.

dear future boyfriend (12)

You don’t have to buy me expensive things or take me out to nice dinners. I don’t mind if we watch your favorite shows as long as I can interrupt you a thousand times with kisses. We can take long drives without a destination in mind and sing along to the radio, as long as you don’t mind that I’m a tad tone deaf. At the end of the day, all I wanna do is sunggle up with you and talk about anything at all. Promise to kill all the spiders, kiss me on top of the head and make me laugh and I’ll promise to love you forever.

dear future boyfriend (11)

I don’t know where you are or when you’ll be here, but I know that I’m waiting for you. I’ll promise that when you’re around I won’t be looking at anybody but you, that when I see you my heart will skip a beat and I’ll have to remind myself to breathe. I’ll correct your grammar, and you can correct my punctuation. I’ll hold your hand in public, hug you even when you’re sweaty. I’ll keep your picture in my wallet to make all of my friends jealous when it “accidentally” falls out of my purse. I’ll love you. I swear it

dear future boyfriend (10)

I need you now more than ever..
And no it’s not because my all my friends are busy with their boyfriends all the time these and it’s because at times it’s all they talk about..
It’s not because I want someone to hold me, kiss me and talk to me through the night.. I kind of forgotten how that felt like..
It’s been a while you know, since I had anyone in my life.. but dear I’m not trying to rush you.. Take your time, I’ll be waiting.. I promise. :3
Oh and if you’re wondering what the reason is..
Well, I need you now because my life is lonely, and for once I’d like to be on the top of someone’s list.. I’m sick of being people’s 326832823-ish choice..
P.S. I already love you.

dear future boyfriend (9)

I know that I can seem a little too eager. I’m sorry I wasn’t much of a chase, but I’ve never been very good at that. I will not wait three days to call if I don’t want to. Life is too short for me to sit back and let you slip through my fingers and into the arms of someone else. I had to be upfront… I just had to. I believe in honesty, communication, and hate playing games, as you’ll come to find, despite the fact that I’m as playful as they come. Thank you for loving me anyway. Thank you for understanding my worries and my constant passionate nature. I am going to give you all of this love all the time — both in affection and words — because I feel no one else but you deserves it. I am so fully doting on you because you are an incredible soul, and I see that every time I look at you. I promise I will be patient and attentive to you. I promise that I will give you softness and comfort when you need it. I promise that I will give you closeness and sweetness when you need it. I promise I will make you laugh and laugh at you even when you aren’t that funny. I will listen to you talk about your bad day and then do my best to make it all go away. I will sing with you, watch movies with you, climb trees with you, lay in the grass with you, go camping with you, be silly with you, and be serious with you. I will apologize when I’ve done wrong — because believe me, I’m not perfect and don’t expect you to be either — and I will learn to agree to disagree sometimes. I will make myself a better person for you, because of you, when I need to. I will not be afraid to tell you when you’re wrong during the occasions that you need to be told so… but I promise not to be harsh about it. I know that I’m going to worry a lot and get lost in my thoughts. Sometimes I might get pretty jealous. It’s only because I love you and can’t bear to lose you. Thank you for being patient anyway. I will love you through every single imperfection and will be thrilled when you love me through mine. I want to give you everything positive in the world. I want to work through every negative we’ll ever encounter as a team. I want no one but you, and that’s that.
I know I don’t know you yet, but I know we can do anything. I’ll be waiting patiently.

dear future boyfriend (8)

First I love how you can make me smile without saying a word. Your the quiet and mysterious type and that’s what I love about you. Your schwagg come naturally and you have great taste. Your bestfreinds with my bestfriends but all we do is exchange glances everyday. I don’t know what it is about you but I just want to stare into your big eyes for eternity. I’ve already been hurt in the past so I’m sorry if I have trust issuses. Your so perfect for me. I want you to be mine. Please forgive me if I ever do something that upsets you, I try, I’m human you know? I’m shy .. and it hurts me in the long run. I can’t make it all on my own and I want you by my side at all times love me.

dear future boyfriend (7)

I can’t wait to meet you. I can’t wait to fall in love with you. But you need to know something; I am scared. I don’t let people in very often, and I don’t talk about what frightens me. I have trust issues. I don’t like to open up and learn to trust someone new because I’m afraid they’ll leave me.
I’m going to let you in on a secret; I want to trust you. Because in order for us to work, and to really love, I’ll need to let you in. It may be a slow and tedious process, but I will try my hardest to learn to trust you. But it can’t just be one way. You need to trust me too. I’m not talking about trust that I won’t cheat or anything. I mean trust, that you can be open with me too. I’ve never truly been completely honest with one person. I want us to be different. I want to be honest with you because it will prove that we are real. That our love is real, and truly based on the people we actually are.
I have a big heart. When I love, it’s real love. And there is so much about me I want you to know and grow to love. And there is so much about you I want to learn and love. Your quirks and habits. The way your voice sounds, and the way your heart beats. How your hands feel against my skin.
I want us to fall in love together. And I know it will be beautiful and lovely.

dear future boyfriend (6)

I don’t have impossible expectations out of you, I just want someone who can make me laugh, someone who loves play fights and maybe somehow know when to let me win. I’ve been through many things, and I guess you could say that makes me strong. But, I’d love to have someone to lean on. I wouldn’t burden you with my feelings, it would just be nice to know you were there, I don’t expect you to wait for my call or anything. Just the knowledge that I had someone to depend on would be enough for me. Sometimes I get jealous and possessive but it’s only because I don’t want to lose you. Just hug me and tell me I’m being silly. I love you, and I haven’t even met you. I hope you love me too, somewhere in the back of your mind.

dear future boyfriend (5)

Hey remember that time when I put sand in your hair and you laughed then got up and chased me down the beach and rugby tackled me in the sea?
Yeah, that’s when I fell in love with you.
Problem is, you still think of me as a little sister.
Please be my future boyfriend, I understand you more than anyone, I have so much more to offer than those fake dumb girls you hang around with, and I love you with everything I have.

dear future boyfriend (4)

I’m sure you’re right in front of me, but I’m too scared to even look for you. I’m gonna need you to open my eyes for me. I’m gonna need you to have the guts that I don’t have and make the first move. Understand that there are times that I won’t approach you because I want you to approach me first. I just want to see if you really care for me, that’s all. I’m so scared of annoying you or saying something wrong, so I probably won’t say anything at all. Once you get me comfortable though, I promise to love you with all my heart and bug the crap out of you, knowing you’d still find it adorable. So please, if you’re out there and you’re willing to take care of me and work as hard as I need you to, say hello :) Introduce yourself as my future boyfriend and inform me that you are here to make my life a million times better.

dear future boyfriend (3)

I have already met you and we both know who you are. I love the way you hold me tight when I’m curled up against you late at night. I love the way you want to show me affection no matter how many of your friends are watching. I love the way you pick me up when I hug you. I love the way you call me “girl” - it’s all in the way you say it. And I love so many things about you that I can’t begin to list them here.

The other day we woke up bright and early and you kissed my cheek and said “Good morning, Mrs. Parker.” If you did that every morning…I would melt. Please always call me Mrs. Parker. 

And for when we do become official, because I have a strong feeling that we will, I can’t wait to do everything with you. I want to go with you when you go somewhere, and I want you to show me off, because I’m going to take you everywhere I go, and I am going to show you off to everyone, even my critical family (and I’m not going to care about what they say about our ethnic and age differences). And when we get out of that phase of being together all the time, when we get busier, I know we’ll still see each other every chance we get, and I wanna hold your hand when that’s the case, and when you ask me to follow you I want you to stop gesturing and start holding my hand, or telling me to close my eyes while you lead the way, even if it’s not a surprise. I want to spend more time at your house and when I do I promise I will start making you breakfast more often. 

I want to hear you freestyle. I want to see you dance. I always wanna see you happy and I never want to see you sad and if I ever see you mad again I don’t know what I’ll do. I can’t wait to meet your mother but please don’t introduce me to your dad or brother. I know me and your mom will get along so well.

I don’t know when you’ll be ready to call me your girlfriend, or if I’ll be ready at that time. I don’t know a lot of things about you, or about us. All I know is I want to learn everything there is to know about you, inside and out, and after we’ve been together for a while and after we get serious, I will want to marry you just like we always talk about. I’ll be more than excited and proud to write you a Dear Future Husband letter with that ring on my finger that will be engraved with the words “Good morning, Mrs. Parker.”

dear future boyfriend (2)

I know I’m hard to handle. I know I’m absolutely crazy sometimes. I know I overthink everything. I know I’m impatient, short tempered, and not the brightest at times. I know I’m a mess but please just stick around. I will try to convince you that I’m the worst person ever and that you should leave but really, I want you to argue and say I’m wonderful and that you’re staying. I have a fear of abandonment so please don’t leave. I will stress you out and cause you to want to pull your hair out.
We will fight. We will go on cute dates. We will play softball against each other. You will take me fishing. I will take you to a concert. You will show me why hunting is your favorite, I will show you why music means so much to me. You’ll be best friends with my guy best friend. My parents will think you’re the best thing in the world. My friends will praise you for saving me. I will be your first kiss. I will cheer you on at all of your football, baseball, and basketball games. We’ll be the football and cheerleader couple who everyone is jealous of because we care for each other so much. We will cook for each other. I will be a role model for your little sister and my cousin will think you’re the greatest thing alive. We will spend every waking moment around each other. Our families will notice how happy we are. You will make fun of the weird faces and noises I make. I will make fun of your goofiness. You will call me dumb and I’ll call you an asshole.
Most of all, I will love you unconditionally. For the rest of my entire life.

dear future boyfriend

Here are things that I require

  • Cuddling 
  • cooking meals together (without getting angry that I can’t cook)
  • letting me have my own way to bake cookies
  • when watching scary movies you need to understand that even though I love them, I spend the majority of time hiding under blankets and I require a happy movie afterwards
  • I hate crying but sometimes I do that and if you hold me it helps
  • when I get angry and frustrated don’t tell me the answer, just listen
  • surprise me often, I will do the same
  • don’t say I love you for the first time via text, make it special
  • I love holidays, celebrate them accordingly
  • make an effort with my friends
  • and finally the most important thing of all… love me for me, don’t expect me to change                   
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