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10 Istana Termegah Dunia

The Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet

Bangunan Momumen Termegah di Tibet
The Potala PalaceThe Potala Palace

Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy, Perancis

Kastil Abad Pertengahan di Pulau Kecil
Mont Saint-MichelMont Saint-Michel

Predjamski Castle, Slovenia

Terpadu di suatu Gua
Predjamski CastlePredjamski Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle, Jerman

Kastil Dongeng Klasik
Neuschwanstein CastleNeuschwanstein Castle

Matsumoto Castle, Nagano, Jepang

Kastil Paling Mengagumkan di Jepang
Matsumoto CastleMatsumoto Castle

Hunyad Castle, Romania

Dimana para Drakula menjadi Tahanan
Hunyad CastleHunyad Castle

Malbork Castle, Malbork, Polandia

Kastil Bertembok Batu Bata Terbesar di Dunia
Malbork CastleMalbork Castle

Palacio da Pena, Sintra, Portugal

Istana Tua Terinspirasi Romantisme Eropa
Palacio da PenaPalacio da Pena

Löwenburg Castle, Kassel, Jerman

Disneyland Abad ke-18
Löwenburg CastleLöwenburg Castle

Prague Castle, Prague, Ceko

Kastil Kuno Terbesar di Dunia
Prague CastlePrague Castle

Waiting The Results Of National Exams

Hello gue lagi deg-degan nih-_-
tau gak deg-degan gara gara kenapa? hem kenapa ya? kasih tau gak ya? gimana nih? kasih tau engga kasih tau engga hhee oke ga perlu lama lama deh gue tuh deg degan gara gara nungguin hasil UJIAN NASIONAL!!! AAAAA!!  Onion Emoticon Set
gimana gak deg degan kalo ujian nasional tuh buat kelulusan gue buat nentuin gue lulus apa engga. moga moga lulus amin!
"yaallah moga moga velin lulus yaallah dan juga nilai velin bisa memuaskan yaallah" AMIN AMIN AMIN!!!
sumfeh ini gue galau banget mikirin hasil ujian nantiMSN Onion Emoticon Setbisa stres lama lama nungguin tuh hasil kaya gimana-_-
udah gitu katanya pengumuman dimajuin dari tanggal 4 juni ke 23 mei...
HAH? GASALAH? MSN Onion Emoticon Set
siapa sih yang ngasih tau beita hoax kaya gitu-_-ketai emang nih yang nyebarin berita kaya gitu .. penbet dibunuh tuh orangOnion Emoticon Set
emang sih gue taunya dari twitter itu juga dari tweetnya si account Ujian Nasional ini dia tweetnya Onion Icon TWEET HOAX┌П┐
terus yang bener yang mana? kapan sih pengumuman? ini pemerintah gak ada tanggung jawab sama sekali! yaallah berilah velin petunjuk yaallahOnion Emoticonmoga moga berita itu tidak benar yaallah aminn :)
oke sekian deh ya. dan doakan gue ya teman teman siapapun yang baca post ini moga moga gue LULUS AMIN!! bubyee~

kamus aL@Y dan Tata Baca AlaY

MSN Onion Emoticon

postingan ini gue temuin disalah satu account twitter
Isinya ttg kamus alay -_-v
Waktu bc ini, gue ngakak ga berenti berenti(lebay-_-) 

Untuk mempersingkat, ini dia kurang lebih isi postingan blog tersebut ... :)
Selamat menikmati..
Eh, ga deh, Selamat Membaca... !!

KAMUS ALAY!! Perbendaraan Kosa Kata ALAY Lengkap. Alay memiliki kosa kata tersendiri dalam berkomunikasi. Tentu saja, ini sesuka mereka dan tanpa mengindahkan ejaan yang disempurnakan. pokoknya perbendaharaan kosa kata mereka dibuat kaya baegono dan tentunya cukup membingungkan bagi yang gak mengerti. Seperti apa kosa kata mereka? Silakan simak di bawah ini.

KAMUS ALAY!! Perbendaraan Kosa Kata ALAY Lengkap

Gue : W, Wa, Q, Qu, G
Lo : U
Rumah : Humz, Hozz
Aja : Ja, Ajj (Ajj bacanya apa ya?)
Yang : Iank/Iang, Eank/Eang (ada juga yang iiank/iiang)
Boleh : Leh
Baru : Ru
Ya/Iya : Yupz, Ia, Iupz
Kok : KoQ, KuQ, Kog, Kug
Nih : Niyh, Niech, Nieyh
Tuh : Tuwh, Tuch
Deh : Dech, Deyh
Belum : Lom, Lum
Cape : Cppe, Cpeg
Kan : Khan, Kant, Kanz
Manis : Maniezt, Manies
Cakep : Ckepp
Keren : Krenz, Krent
Kurang : Krang, Krank (Crank?)
Tau : Taw, Tawh, Tw
Bokep : Bokebb
Dulu : Duluw (Dulux aja biar bisa ngecat rumah)
Chat : C8
Tempat : T4
Sempat : S4
Telepon : Tilp
Ini : Iniyh, Nc
Ketawa : wkwkwk, xixixi, haghaghag, w.k.k.k.k.k. , wkowkowkwo (bacanya
apa coba tolong jelaskan)
Nggak : Gga, Gax, Gag, Gz
Hai : Ui (Apa Ui? Universitas Indonesia?)
SMS : ZMZ, XMX, MZ (oh god…)
Lagi : Ghiy, Ghiey, Gi
Apa : Pa, PPa (PPa ???)
Tapi : PPi (sama aja kaya yang diatas, asu)
Mengeluh : Hufft
Sih : Siech, Sieyh, Ciyh (nggak sekalian aja Syekh Puji)
Dong : Dumz, Dum (apa Dumolit?)
Reply : Repp (ini yang paling sering ditemukan di dunia maya)
Halo : Alow (menurut kalian, apakah kita teletubbies? )
Sayang : Saiank, Saiang
Lucu : Luthu, Uchul, Luchuw
Khusus : Khuzuz
Kalian : Klianz
Add : Et, Ett (biasanya minta di add friendsternya)
Banget : Bangedh, Beud, Beut (sekalian aja baut sama obeng)
Nya, contoh : misalnya, jadi misalna, misal’a, misal.a
Imut : Imoetz, Mutz
Loh : Loch, Lochkz, Lochx
Gitu : Gtw, Gitchu, Gituw
Salam : Lam
Kenal : Nal (buset irit karakter banget)
Buat : Wat, Wad
Cewek : Cwekz
Cowok : Cwokz
Karena/Soalnya : Coz, Cz
Masuk : Suk, Mzuk, Mzug, Mzugg
Punya : Pya, P’y
Pasti : Pzt
Anak : Nax, Anx, Naq (ko-naq?)
Cuekin : Cuxin
Curhat : Cvrht (anjing ini bahasa rusia apa?)
Terus : Rus, Tyuz, Tyz
Tiap : Tyap
Kalau : Kaluw, Klw, Low (oh maann…)
Setiap : Styp
Main : Men
Paling : Plink, P’ling
Love : Luph, Luff, Loupz, Louphh
Makan : Mumz, Mamz
Yuk : Yuq, Yuqz, Yukz
Lupa : Lupz
Udah : Dagh
Kamu : Kamuh, Kamyu, Qmu, Kamuwh
Aku : Akyu, Akuwh, Akku, (Asu)
Maaf : Mu’uv, Muupz, Muuv
Sorry : Cowwyy, Sowry
Siapa : Sppa, Cppa, Cpa, Spa
Kakak : Kakagg
ini contoh kalimat alay yang bikin pusing bacanya :

QmO dLaM iDopQhO (kamu dalam hidupku..)

q tWo……………… (aku tau……)

qMo mANk cLiD wAd cYanK m qHo…………. (kamu memang sulit buat sayang sama aku…)
tPhE qMo pLu tHwO„„„ (tapi kamu perlu tau….)
mY LuPi”………… (my love, cintaku, lupi lupi di kuping gue kedengerannya kayak permen yupi) aLwaYs 4’U…………… (always for you, cuman buat kamu)
cO’nA cMa qMo YaNk Co WaD qHo cYuM………… (soalnya cuma kamu yang cowo buat aku senyum -oke ni si ophi jelas jelas tidak mengikuti kaidah yang benar dalam membuat struktur kalimat)
k’tHwA„„„„„„„� ��„„ (ketawa…)
cNeNk…………….. (dan senang)
tHanKz b’4„„„„„„ (thanks before, terimakasih sebelumnya)
yOz aLaWAiCe d bEzT……………. (you always the best, kamu selalu yang terbaik -ALAWAICE? WTF?)
iN meYe heArD„„„„„„, (in my heart, dalam hatiku -btw MEYE? APA ITU HAHA)
tHo_tHo………….. (dadah -ini dadah doang ribet banget nulisnya)
LupHz yOu„„„„„„, (love you, sayang kamu)
satu lagi..
I’m ReGrEeEeeEEeeEet nOw……………. (aku menyesal sekarang)
naFaZ„„„„„„„„� ��, (napas)
bNcHi qOh nGmBAnK………………. (benci aku ngambang)
hOeKkkKKk…………….. (sound effect muntah, HOEEEKK -tuh kan muntah HAHA)
nPhA jDe gnE????????? ?????? (mengapa jadi begini?)
i dOn’t LiKe tHaT………….. (I don’t like that, aku tidak suka itu)
qOh g Mo iDoP dLAM kmNfqAn………. (aku ga mau hidup dalam kemunafikan-WUESSS angin berhembus)
tHiZ iZ buLLsHiT!!!! !!!!!!! (this is bullshit!, ini semua omong
kosong!!! -penuh amarah membara)
sHiT!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! (shit!!!!!! TA* )
SADAM WITHOUT WORD!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !! (sadam without word, sadam tanpa kata -WTF tiba tiba bawa sadam? ato DIAM maksudnya? oh diam deh kayaknya)
HAifTf……………… (huff)
satu lagi deh…
TaKe mE 2 yOuR hEaRtZzz???? ????????? ????? (take me to your heart, bawa aku ke dalam hatimu)
cXnK qMoh tO cKiDnAAAAaaaAaAaaaa……. (sayang kamu tuh sakitnya…)
m_tHa apOn YoH……………… (minta ampun ya…)
qoH tLuZ”aN uCHA bWaD tTeP qEqEUh cXnK qMo………. (aku terus terusan berusaha buat tetep kekeuh sayang kamu…)
bUD„„„„„„„„„ , (but, tetapi…)
hUhuHuHfTFTf………….. .. (huft huft -ehem ophi centil deh)
cIa” adJA………………… (sia sia aja -CIA? yang di amerika?)
shIt???????? ???? (TA*??????)
maYbe??????? ???????? (maybe, mungkin????? )
ckIdDDdddDDDd„„„„„� �, „„„„„„„„„„ „„„ „„ (SAKIIIIIIT! -ini ngomong sakitdoang kayak suara ban ngerem ehm)
pGEn qOh tO bLanK……………………. . (pengen aku tuh bilang)
U bLOkE mY hEaLtH!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! ! (you bloke my health, kamu cowokesehatanku, atau kamu merusak kesehatanku? -HAHAHAHAHA YOU BROKE MY HEART KOK JADI YOU BLOKE MY HEALTH? jauh gitu artinyaaaa! LOL)
i tHinK…………….. (aku pikir…)
it’Z DISGUSTING vOiCE……………….. (itu suara menjijkan -ga nyambung)
anDeE…………………. (andaiii…)
adJA g2 dRe wAL…………….. (aja gitu dari awal)
qTaH gAg mKeN dIEM”aN gNe tOh???!?@??@ ?@??@@?@? (kita ga makin diem
dieman gini tho’?)

Nah, itu dia segelintir kata ALAY dan beberapa contoh tulisan alaynya ..
Bikin ribet kan?
Yaaa, alay mgkn dianggap sbg hiburan bg sebagian org .
Tp dibeberapa sisi, alay dianggap "SANGAT MENGGANGGU" bagi yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan bahasa baku.
Semua kembali pada pandangan dr setiap masing2 pihak.. MSN Onion Emoticons

MY STORY!! *taylor swift*

Hi, I'm Taylor. I've been alive for 21 years now, and I finally have my own kitchen. I'm very excited about this, and generally excited by anything else that falls into the "cute" or "cozy" categories. I learned to play guitar when I was twelve from this guy named Ronnie who came over to fix my parents' computer. I like quilts. But that's probably because I'm always freezing cold. I LOVE Nashville. That's where I live, when I'm lucky enough to be there. I love the town so much, I sometimes feel like I should just roll the windows down in my car (nicknamed the Toyoat. Because it's a Toyota) and scream "I LOVE THIS TOWN" loudly out the windows. That wouldn't be weird, right? Every time I try and wink at someone, I mess it up and end up scaring people. My lucky number always has been and always will be 13. It pops up in front of me in the most obvious and undeniable ways, but only when something good is about to happen. I'm a Sagittarius. I think that means I'm always looking for something new. It also means I have a Christmas-themed birthday party every year. I love bright colors and things that make reality seem more whimsical than it is. I have a collection of ribbons and headbands, and I love them all the same.  I over-think and over-plan and over-organize. I've been like this since I was a baby, before I was gigantically tall and over-talkative.

These days, I've been trying to classify my thoughts into two categories: "Things I can change," and "Things I can't." It seems to help me sort through what to really stress about. But there I go again, over-planning and over-organizing my over-thinking! I write songs about my adventures and misadventures, most of which concern love. Love is a tricky business. But if it wasn't, I wouldn't be so enthralled with it. Lately I've come to a wonderful realization that makes me even more fascinated by it: I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to love. No one does! There's no pattern to it, except that it happens to all of us, of course. I can't plan for it. I can't predict how it'll end up. Because love is unpredictable and it's frustrating and it's tragic and it's beautiful. And even though there's no way to feel like I'm an expert at it, it's worth writing songs about -- more than anything else I've ever experienced in my life.

I've apparently been the victim of growing up, which apparently happens to all of us at one point or another. It's been going on for quite some time now, without me knowing it. I've found that growing up can mean a lot of things. For me, it doesn't mean I should become somebody completely new and stop loving the things I used to love. It means I've just added more things to my list. Like for example, I'm still beyond obsessed with the winter season and I still start putting up strings of lights in September. I still love sparkles and grocery shopping and really old cats that are only nice to you half the time. I still love writing in my journal and wearing dresses all the time and staring at chandeliers. But some new things I've fallen in love with -- mismatched everything. Mismatched chairs, mismatched colors, mismatched personalities. I love spraying perfumes I used to wear when I was in high school. It brings me back to the days of trying to get a close parking spot at school, trying to get noticed by soccer players, and trying to figure out how to avoid doing or saying anything uncool, and wishing every minute of every day that one day maybe I'd get a chance to win a Grammy. Or something crazy and out of reach like that. ;) I love old buildings with the paint chipping off the walls and my dad's stories about college. I love the freedom of living alone, but I also love things that make me feel seven again. Back then naivety was the norm and skepticism was a foreign language, and I just think every once in a while you need fries and a chocolate milkshake and your mom. I love picking up a cookbook and closing my eyes and opening it to a random page, then attempting to make that recipe. I've loved my fans from the very first day, but they've said things and done things recently that make me feel like they're my friends -- more now than ever before. I'll never go a day without thinking about our memories together.

For the last two years, I've been writing and recording an album called Speak Now. I only have the option of writing about things that happen in my life, so thankfully a LOT has happened in my life in the last two years. I know I don't always say the right thing at the right time or speak up when I should, but I write it all down. I get my guitar and a pen and all of a sudden, I have a chance to say exactly what I meant to say in real life. Some of the things I wrote about are things everyone saw me go through. Some of the things I wrote about are things nobody ever knew about. I'm beyond excited for you to hear these stories and confessions.

I think it's important that you know that I will never change. But I'll never stay the same either. Must be a Sagittarius thing.

I'm pretty stoked that you read this whole thing. I commend you for that. This was ridiculously long, and you probably have other stuff you could've done in the last four minutes. So to you, or anyone else who has spent four minutes on me in some way-- listening to just one song, or watching one of my videos….Thank you. I love you like I love sparkles and having the last word. And that's real love.



bruno mars


It's better if you don't understand; just listen and have a good time. That's the response Bruno Mars will give you with a smile when asked to describe his sound and music. He would much rather sing, perform, and write his songs than talk about them, but that is becoming more and more unavoidable these days. It might seem that Mars appeared out of nowhere, co-writing, producing and performing on B.o.B's #1 "Nothin' On You" followed by Travie McCoy's chart-climbing "Billionaire", but he makes one thing clear: "It's not an overnight success". 

Mars is a multitalented singer, songwriter, producer and musician who feels most at home when he's performing. Born to a musical family in Honolulu, Hawaii, he was practically raised on the stage. His father, a Latin percussionist from Brooklyn, organized a Vegas-style revue that featured the entire family, including his mother, a talented vocalist. When a four-year-old Mars observed his family performing Motown hits, doo-wop medleys and impersonations for enthusiastic crowds all over his native Waikiki Beach, "I was jealous!" says Mars with a laugh. "My dad put me on stage and I remember singing an Elvis song and that was it. Ever since that moment, I've been addicted." 

Rich in diverse music from all over the globe, Honolulu was an exciting hometown for the budding singer/songwriter. On one end of the spectrum, his home was filled with the 1950s classics that were his father's passion. Meanwhile, the city is rich in traditional sounds, including reggae, rock and folk music, as well as the latest pop hits. "Hawaii is basically in the middle of the world, so you're exposed to every type of music over there," explains Mars. 

As soon as he graduated high school, Mars left Hawaii for Los Angeles with dreams of launching his career as a performer. Those dreams got put on hold, however, when The Smeezingtons, the songwriting/production team he founded with Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine, suddenly took off. The pair has crafted major hits for a diverse roster of talent, including Flo Rida's "Right Round", Travie McCoy's "Billionaire", Brandy's "Long Distance" and K'Naan's "Waving Flags", which is the theme song for the upcoming World Cup. 

Mars describes his time behind the scenes as important to his development as an artist. "I realized that you have to go into this industry as an artist with a clear vision and understanding of who you are. Being so young when I was first signed, I never really had a sense of who I wanted to be. Now things are really working out because everything that I'm singing, writing and composing is really me."

On the heels of "Nothin' on You" and "Billionaire" and as a preview of what's to come from Bruno Mars, Elektra Records is releasing a 4-song EP aptly titled "It's Better If You Don't Understand". The title is taken from a lyric to "The Other Side"; one of the songs included that features Cee-Lo Green and re-teams Mars with B.o.B. The song depicts the musician's current routine. "It's basically a story of the lifestyle you end up living as an artist and how I would describe it to a girl I just met to try and explain, but in the end… It's better if you don't understand." 

When asked to describe the music he's about to release Mars says "it's hard to put myself in a box. I just write songs that I strongly believe in and that are coming from inside. There's no tricks. It's honesty with big melodies. And I'm going to be singing the s— out of them." The collection of songs on the EP are written from various real-life experiences, where Mars blends his buoyant voice with purposefully simple production. All of the songs are produced and written with his Smeezingtons partner Philip Lawrence. 

Although he's incredibly proud of the recordings, Mars feels the best way to experience the sound is to see him perform live with his band. "That is what I'm most excited for – taking these songs and traveling them around the world." The only place he would rather be than in the recording studio, is with his band on stage – where he grew up. "I think people are really going to gravitate towards the live show. We turn it into a party."

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