See And Read My Post On This Blog. Feel Free To Read Around. I Dont Welcome SPAMMER And COPYCAT. So If You Are One Of them. Out Now!!Thank You So Much (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)♥


ada apa denganmu ?
sebut saja ini intuisi perempuan, tetapi aku memang merasa kau tak benar benar jujur kepadaku
setiap kali aku berusaha menatap langsung ke matamu , berusaha membaca isi hatimu, kau malah menjauh dariku . berpaling

kau selalu berusaha meyakinkan "TAK ADA MASALAH DALAM HUBUNGAN KITA"
lalu kau memelukku erat, tetapi tak ada kehangatan disana .
bahkan, aku mulai merasa tak ada lagi cinta untukku disana , di hatimu.

kau ada, sekaligus tiada.
kenapa kita harus seperti ini, bermain-main dengan kejujuran ?
atau seperti inikah aturan main percintaan kita.
kau akan terus-menerus membuatku bertanya-tanya seberapa dalamnya perasaanmu kepadaku ?

                                                      -indah hanaco-

I first met you and me miss it

all starts from our first chat
i just think, i'm just a little crush on you , and now has become big, very very big !!
 Finally ..
when what i mean has been achieved at that time between the happy 
and i feel nervous.
hope it happens.
I now relathionship with you.
You have become mine. has become part of my life.
and I'm sure,I love you so much :)

month by months, day per days, time per times.
we have been through together right then ,
we laugh together, cry together, have fun together,
everything i do with you, it makes me happy.

but? now? there is a problem in our relationship. 
problems that may arise from mere misunderstandings. 
I was sad, very sad :'(until I don't know how to solve them 
now? he's forgotten me. 
he didn't care me. 
he doesn't need me 
and here I still love you, forever 

you've loved another girl and it makes me sick.
I don't know what I should do. moving on or still loves you.
please, leave me and don't make me remember to you. 
You will be happy & I'll be fine (maybe). 
 but before that you go,
please give your smile one last time :)
it's enough to make me happy.
doesn't mean I don't love you again.

I will always love you but I will just keep it in my heart.
thank you for coming into my life.
thank you for the sweet memories we spent together.
thank you for cheering me up.
thank you for your love that moment just made me sick.
You are the best man I've ever had!

I just want to say one last time
I miss you, really really miss you 
I need you,very very need you
I want you to not forget about me, what we do together when first
and  I love you today, tomorrow and forever

lagu dandy

chorus 1
seanggun, warna senja menyapa
selembut, musim yang di jalani
semoga, bintang penuh harapan
menyapa tuk terangi dalam gelapnya malam

chorus 2
oh kapan pun, dirinya,
untuk seorang wanita yang kupuja dan kupuji
takkan kurasa jenuh, dirinya dihatiku

parasnya, sungguh indah sekali
mengugah rasa kuingin terus bersamanya
senyumnya, menggetarkan jiwaku
terdengar indah dalam alunan syair laguku

nge-posting (again)

hello udah lama ya gue ngga ngeposting hehe
biasalah gue lagi sibuk sekarang, hehe
skrang gue jadi jarang maen internet,
bukannya internet gue lagi error atau apalah itu, tapi mulai semester 2 ini gue udah ngga mau lagi maen internet hehe
tapi ya bolehlah dikit maen internetnya, pasti deh setiap hari jumat, sabtu ama minggu gue maen internetnya .. tapi klo senin ampe kamis gue mau libur dulu maen internetnya .. haha biasalah mau fokus belajar (udah mau UN cuy !! hadeh-_-)
gmna ya? sbnernya gue gamau ninggalin internet (halahh) 
because I thought, I can't live without internet
tapi ya mau gmna lagi coba?? mulai sekarang gue harus fokus belajar  , UN tinggal menghitung hariii :(
oh GOD help me !! 
give the ease of doing exams later . aminnn!
doain ya ceman-ceman, smoga saya sukses ngerjain UN dan lulus dengan nilai memuskan .. yaoloh amin amin !!
okelah skarang lagi males maen internet, udah jarang ngeposting, update twitter, update facebook, update tumblr, ym, msn, plurk, pokoknya semuanya deh ...
udah ya sekian, wassalam :)
Velina hermitawati. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.
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